Another question about upgrading from Office2002Prof to Office2003Prof,
which includes Outlook with Business Contact Manager. (Available to general
retail customers end October 21, I hear).
Has anyone used a version already released maybe to corporate customers, or
a beta version...who can tell me if Outlook2003/BCM has a good
REPORT-maker...like ACT! has, where I can design a format, then tell it
which Outlook contact info to pull, and generate/print the report.
For instance, I could design a report named "Contact profile" with name,
address, phone, and all notes...then run it on all contacts where
state=Florida, or run it on type=Retailer, and so forth... then print each
which includes Outlook with Business Contact Manager. (Available to general
retail customers end October 21, I hear).
Has anyone used a version already released maybe to corporate customers, or
a beta version...who can tell me if Outlook2003/BCM has a good
REPORT-maker...like ACT! has, where I can design a format, then tell it
which Outlook contact info to pull, and generate/print the report.
For instance, I could design a report named "Contact profile" with name,
address, phone, and all notes...then run it on all contacts where
state=Florida, or run it on type=Retailer, and so forth... then print each