Office 2003 Compatibilty with Previous


Tim Miller

I've got 1 copy of Office 2003, and I'm considering starting it on any new
computers I put in the office. Most everyone else is on Office 2000 (and a
couple on XP). Do we know yet if I'm going to have any trouble with version
compatibility? I don't want to have to save my 2003 Word documents special
(save as Word 2K) in order for the 2000 versions to open them.
Any comments??

Eric Lawrence [MSFT]

Compatibility is generally very good. With the exception of Access, I
believe none of the file formats have changed.


Eric Lawrence
Program Manager
Assistance and Worldwide Services

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Tim Miller

Are 2003 users opening up 2000 documents, access files, etc going to get the
annoying "do you want to convert" messages?
Thanks for the reply!

Kolin Tregaskes

Quick tip, if you can I would install a fresh copy of Office on your
systems. I upgraded two machines and the upgrade from XP to 2003 left a lot
of stuff behind and a few little problems.


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