Office 2003 Icons



The office 2003 icons are too fuzzy/blurry. Is it because of the font
resolution I have changed on my PC. There should be a default option within
the office (not OS) to restore back to the grey look, which was heaps better
than blue blue and blue color everywhere on the screen (or whatever theme is
selected in the OS).

The blurry/fuzzy icons need to be fixed is a SP instead of waiting for the
new Office version. I don;t know who picked these color scheme at Redmond.

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Peter Foldes

Gotta love these CDO posters.

You have to be kidding. Instead of going all out to change all your themes and colors why not try to reset all those changes that you made to Windows Default. This is the fault of the brain sending the wrong command to the fingers who in turn execute those commands and settings on the keyboard on your computer. That in turn creates the blurry and blue images that you are encountering.


And how should I do that Peter?

Peter Foldes said:
Gotta love these CDO posters.

You have to be kidding. Instead of going all out to change all your themes and colors why not try to reset all those changes that you made to Windows Default. This is the fault of the brain sending the wrong command to the fingers who in turn execute those commands and settings on the keyboard on your computer. That in turn creates the blurry and blue images that you are encountering.


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Peter Foldes

One good way to start is to undo all changes that you made to fonts ,themes etc back to what they were when you installed your Office suite


Peter that defeats the whole purpose of purchasing a new software.... till
last version of office it was ok on higher font resolution....and what is the
using of buying these hig res lcd monitors if we cannot do what the OS allows
but restricted by the software... and that again from the same company? What
it means is that I am not doing anything wrong but the software itself has
problem with displaying (sizing the icons) properly on a high font size

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