Office 2003 MUI vs localized version rollout opinions


Rubin Farr

Hi all,

Wondering if anyone had opinions on deploying Office 2003 in multiple
languages using MUI vs localized versions or if anyone had run into issues
using one method over the other. We are a small company but have offices in
Japan and China, amongst others. Since we have no fulltime IT in these
offices, the branch users pretty much take care of installing their own
software with help of local IT shops. Although the MUI seems 'neat' in that
you have one baseline installation source, I don't want to have to script
and test MST's for all these languages and my thought would be to say
'here's your local version of Office, have the local IT shop make sure it's
updated to the latest service pack within reason.'

I guess long story short, what is the real advantage of using MUI if you
have a small IT shop and rely on outsourcing for branch offices who can take
care of the headache of keeping it service-packed ?


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