Ken @ UKY
I have found the KB article 824424
which sounds exactly like my problem. This is not
exclusive to Word, however--Access & Excel have their
flavors of this read-only issue. I have 3 other folks I
support who are experiencing this. We all run Windows
XP. The article refers to Windows 2000, which is what the
Novell server runs--Netware 5.60.03. Our work arounds
include right-clicking in the directory and selecting New -
a link to the hot-fix file. ken
which sounds exactly like my problem. This is not
exclusive to Word, however--Access & Excel have their
flavors of this read-only issue. I have 3 other folks I
support who are experiencing this. We all run Windows
XP. The article refers to Windows 2000, which is what the
Novell server runs--Netware 5.60.03. Our work arounds
include right-clicking in the directory and selecting New -
to simply File Save/New from the application. Please postAccess Project--which it creates no problem, as opposed
a link to the hot-fix file. ken