Office 2003 setuppro.ini file



This question will be longwinded so please forgive me. What I am trying to do
is modify the setuppro.ini file so I can create a chained install to include
Service Pack2. We do not want to perform a admin install (if so I could
easily slipstream) since we want all of the pc's to have the installation
files local on the hard drive. I know the actual parameters to include in the
ini file but I need to know what wildcard syntax I can use for the PATH
statement. Take a look below:

TaskName=Ohotfix Chained Updates

We use SMS 2003 to push the applications and what happens is SMS will first
download the files locally in a folder named for example SMS00008.18.system
which is located in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CCM\CACHE and from there it installs.
Now that folder name will change each time a package is thrown down to the
pc, the name is according to what patches or programs that are installed so
in essence each pc that this Office package will go to the folder will be
different. Is there some type of wildcard syntax I can use so it will search
any folder that starts off with SMS000? I've tried a couple of schemes such
as the one above and it does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.



If you want "all of the pc's to have the installation files local on the
hard drive" then you should still slipstream Office 2003 and then copy
the entire folder on to local PCs (or distribute on CDs). You are
trying the long winded methos which is likely to result in incomplete
installation and users will waste more of your valuable time.

I am sure you know how to embed the PIDKEY into setup.ini file to avoid
inputting this at the time of installation.


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