Office 2003. Some unicode TT fonts listed in Excel but not Word



I recently installed several Japanese unicode True Type fonts on my computer.
Thse added fonts are shown in the drop down menus on Excel & Power Point
but, not on the Word 2003 drop down font menu.

Why is this?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Sm9l?=,
I recently installed several Japanese unicode True Type fonts on my computer.
Thse added fonts are shown in the drop down menus on Excel & Power Point
but, not on the Word 2003 drop down font menu.
All fonts have an internal "bit" (setting) that states whether they are "symbol"
fonts or "text" fonts. Word doesn't present symbol fonts in its font list; but
you should see them in the Insert/Symbol dialog box?

If you want to use a font that Word doesn't include in the list, you should
still be able to type in the name in the dropdown field, then press Enter.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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