ISSUE: When closing down Word, Outlook, and now Attachmate 8/sp1 (Attachmate
uses word in the background for spelling and editing capabilities), an error
occurrs: "changes have been made that affect the global template, normal.dot.
do you want to save those changes?" then: "word cannot save this file because
it is already open elsewhere. (C:\....\....dot)" Then: You cannot close
Microsoft Office Word because a dialog box is open. Click OK, switch to Word,
and then close the dialog box." And finally: Word cannot save this file
because it is already open elsewhere. (C:\....\....dot)"
It just goes in circles.
WORKAROUND: a) End Task on the winword.exe through Task Manager +
Processes. b) Save normal.dot to the Desktop.
Windows XP/sp2, Office 2003/sp2, attachmate 8/sp1. Normal.dot resides in a
H:\home directory on Novell share drive.
Office started after applying Service Pack 2 for Office 2003.
uses word in the background for spelling and editing capabilities), an error
occurrs: "changes have been made that affect the global template, normal.dot.
do you want to save those changes?" then: "word cannot save this file because
it is already open elsewhere. (C:\....\....dot)" Then: You cannot close
Microsoft Office Word because a dialog box is open. Click OK, switch to Word,
and then close the dialog box." And finally: Word cannot save this file
because it is already open elsewhere. (C:\....\....dot)"
It just goes in circles.
WORKAROUND: a) End Task on the winword.exe through Task Manager +
Processes. b) Save normal.dot to the Desktop.
Windows XP/sp2, Office 2003/sp2, attachmate 8/sp1. Normal.dot resides in a
H:\home directory on Novell share drive.
Office started after applying Service Pack 2 for Office 2003.