Office 2003 SP2 update won't install



Short Description of the Problem:
I am able to download Office 2003 SP2 successfully, but installation aborts
midway with the error message: Installation Unsuccessful

Problem Details:
I'm trying to update an OEM MS Office 2003 Standard Edition
SKU# {91120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}
(This is actually an OEM 60-day trial expiring on 2/28/06, but I'm going to
upgrade to the Student/Teacher edition when it arrives)

I'm using Office Update at to update to Office
2003 Service Pack 2 (English version). During installation, status line
displays wizardFrame.aspx installing... then installation aborts with the
error message: Installation Unsuccessful

Error signature
Installation Unsuccessful
ProdCode : {91120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9} ProdVer : 11.0.6361.0
Action : OfficeUpdate.ApplyPatch ErrNum : 1603
Err0 : {8997F2E8-9CA1-44FF-9DAD-D3E5EB4B41F7} Err1 : 1311
Err2 : 3.1.4000.2435

Curiously, one of the files sent with the error report contains many
references to the following two (incompatible) products. The way I understand
the Office 2003 numbering scheme at:
* {901C0409 refers to an Enterprise edition with an Access runtime module
(which I certainly don't have)
* {91120409 refers to a Retail/OEM product (although I have an OEM trial)
Expected product:
Found product:

Apologies for the length of this post. Thanks in advance for any help!

Lawrence Garvin \(MVP\)

You may not be able to apply the service pack(s) to trial editions.

It varies from product to product.

I would suggest upgrading to the S/T edition first, and then applying the
service pack.

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