office 2003 Word on XP memory leakage

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Word 2003 memory Leakage

do you know why Office 2003 Word on XP got memory leakage?

I just loaded a small word document 70 KB, then the memory used by word
increased from 20 MB gradually to 120 MB and more, the computer rebooted.

If I closed the Word in the middle, the system is fine and seems the memory



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?V29yZCAyMDAzIG1lbW9yeSBMZWFrYWdl?=,
do you know why Office 2003 Word on XP got memory leakage?

I just loaded a small word document 70 KB, then the memory used by word
increased from 20 MB gradually to 120 MB and more, the computer rebooted.

If I closed the Word in the middle, the system is fine and seems the memory
Sounds as if this file is damaged. Are you able to save it as an XML file
without Word crashing? If you can, do that, then open the XML file and see if
Word will let you edit/view that to the very end. If that works, save as a
Word document and you should be all set (for the moment, anyway).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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