office 2003



I bought a new laptop with vista. It has the 2007 trial on it. I wanted add
my office 2003 to it. It keeps popping up an error.


Cotton said:
I bought a new laptop with vista. It has the 2007 trial on it. I wanted add
my office 2003 to it. It keeps popping up an error.

If you are not going to use the Trial Office 2007, you should first
uninstall it and its activation wizard. If you want Office 2007, you should
purchase from source such as {better price and you get the
installation discs}. Your Office 2003 disc qualifies you for an upgrade
version without installing Office 2003.

If you just want Office 2003 installed, you need to help us help you by
giving the error message you receive. If your Office 2003 is an upgrade
version, you will need an Office 2003 qualifying product {either installed
or have disc}. Office 2007 Trial is not a qualifying product for Office 2003

If you want both, suggest you install Office 2003 first and than Office 2007
{one that you purchase with disc not the Trial}. You cannot have Outlook
2003 and Outlook 2007 installed at the same time.

In any case, more information on what you are intending would help.



Hi Don,

So you're saying that I can install 2007 (Word & Excel) and still have 2003
(Word & Excel) available to use? I hope so...I'd rather use 2003.



Error executing file
the requested operation elevation


Hi and hope things work out for you .,.as you can see I am on here for help
as well ,.,.adding two may not be good I do not know .,.,vista has no room on
my home p.c for a dinosaour like offe 2003 .,.they sure do not ask you when
you go from xp or earlier at the store what office you are running and this
is not right .,. I myself just assumed Hey its office it will work with any
new product like vista .,.,.bull hockey .,.As I say I am a layman .,.,but I
have doubts that they agree 2007/2003 either way you may be in the same boat
that I am in .,., last resort will be a report to th federal trade commission
,BBB and others ,m,mif you buy a product .,.well you expect it to work and
not to have a continuious flow of your dollar making it to work .,.,and then
after its fixed .,.well whats next buy a update for 29.95 .. .,.I will watch
your display and you can watch mine .,.and good luck !
( mine is " is there no -non profitable 8/1/2009 )


Early in the Office 2007 installation, you are offered a choice to upgrade
(same as remove) prior versions or to retain prior versions. If you choose
retain prior versions you will have {with the exception of Outlook} both the
Office 2003 and Office 2007 versions fully functional. You can have only one
version of Outlook installed.



I am not familiar with that specific error message {sounds like you are not
installing using a administrator account}. Suggest wait for someone with
more error experience to suggest a solution.

You may want to check you log files. See:


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