Office 2004 and records of installs




I installed Office 2004 on all of our Powerbooks and someone lost my
record of which Mac got which serial number. Now I need to figure out
how to reproduce that documentation. I was wondering if I can pull
serial numbers via ARD to recreate my document or maybe ssh into the
the machines and cat a file. If I have to go to a machine and login
that's really not an issue. I still have all the Office 2004 CDs and
serial numbers, but I have no clue who got what SN.



JE McGimpsey


I installed Office 2004 on all of our Powerbooks and someone lost my
record of which Mac got which serial number. Now I need to figure out
how to reproduce that documentation. I was wondering if I can pull
serial numbers via ARD to recreate my document or maybe ssh into the
the machines and cat a file. If I have to go to a machine and login
that's really not an issue. I still have all the Office 2004 CDs and
serial numbers, but I have no clue who got what SN.

AFAIK, there's no way to reverse engineer the CD Key from the hashed
value stored on disk. You can reinstall just the CD Key using the
technique found at

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