Office 2004 PPTs will NOT open on PCs


D.F. Marks

PowerPoint in Office v.X had no cross-platform compatibility issues.
Ever since installing Office 2004 on my Mac (OS 10.4.3), none of my
clients/associates with PCs have been able to open any PPT file I send
them. Same message, "Powerpoint is unable to open this file" occurs
regardless of file complexity. Even with simple standard font (only
Arial), no graphics, no animations.

Tried via email and FTP, tried saving as PPS and PPT "package", no soap.
When I run Compatibility Checker, the file comes up clean, no issues.

Anyone else have this problem? Thanks in advance!

David M. Marcovitz

Unfortunately, the likely cause of this problem is on the PC end. If your
clients/associates are using PowerPoint 2003, they should open
PowerPoint, go to the Help menu, and choose Check for Updates. They will
be directed to install the latest patches (probably Service Pack 2). This
is likely to fix this problem. It makes you look bad, but it is really a
problem with PowerPoint 2003, which had some serious problems when first
released, most of which have been fixed with subsequent service packs.

David M. Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

D.F. Marks

David said:
Unfortunately, the likely cause of this problem is on the PC end. If your
clients/associates are using PowerPoint 2003, they should open
PowerPoint, go to the Help menu, and choose Check for Updates. They will
be directed to install the latest patches (probably Service Pack 2). This
is likely to fix this problem. It makes you look bad, but it is really a
problem with PowerPoint 2003, which had some serious problems when first
released, most of which have been fixed with subsequent service packs.
Thanks, David, I'd figured it was something along those lines....


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