Office 2004 - Student and Teacher Edition - and Endnote 8.0


El Che 48

I bought office 2004 (student and teacher edition) when i got my
macintosh, and I just recently acquired Endnote 8.0 after i took a
class on it.

Endnote always says that 8.0 is compatible with word 2004, but my
experience says otherwise.

the CWYW toolbar is open in Word 2004 when I am working on my thesis,
but none of the functions work.

Everytime I click a button on the CWYW toolbar, i get the error
"this command is not available because a document windows is not

I reinstalled word and endnote, to no avail.

Endnote Tech Support (big help...yeah right) said I need to fix the
visual basic editor (found in tools/macro/visual basic). According to
that guy, once I get that fixed, the endnote should function fine.

Any advise? please?

Is it even possible to solve? will endnote really work once i get the
visual basic editor to work?

thank you

Daiya Mitchell

It's possible to solve, because Word 2004 and EndNote 8 works here for me,
and for many other people. Student/teacher edition is not any different
(especially since just about everyone using EndNote has the student/teacher

But this is not a familiar problem. Did EndNote tech support (generally
pretty good) give you any more advice re fixing the Visual Basic Editor

When you installed Office 2004, did you do a default or custom install?
There might be some VB elements that don't come along on a default install.

Test it in a different user, as the first troubleshooting step.

Reinstalling Word doesn't necessarily work unless you Remove all of Office
and then Reinstall all of Office.


El Che 48

Ok, so I just deleted Word from the Microsoft folder.

Is uninstalling as easy as deleting that whole microsoft folder and

an on that note, how do i "test it in a different user". I would love
to do that, i'm just not sure how.

Thank you for your advice

Daiya Mitchell

Ok, so I just deleted Word from the Microsoft folder.Okay, that's not going to help and is likely to hurt.
Is uninstalling as easy as deleting that whole microsoft folder and

No. There is a utility you need to run, plus some other suggestions for
troublefree reinstalling. See here for the directions.
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)

When you come to reinstalling, first look at the custom install which lets
you select certain items. When you go into the custom install, the items
included in the default install will already be checked. Leave those
checked. See if there are any unchecked items that relate to VB, VBA, VBE,
or Visual Basic (sorry, I can't remember what's included in a default
install). If so, check the box to install them.

After installing Office, you will need to reinstall the EndNote add-in.
Look in Applications/EndNote 8/Cite While You Write, and there should be the
necessary files and a text file telling you how to do CWYW Manual
Installation. Copy the files, don't move them.
an on that note, how do i "test it in a different user". I would love
to do that, i'm just not sure how.

You would create a new user account on your computer, following the
instructions in MacHelp. Most applications are installed into the main
application folder, so will work in any user account, but there are a lot of
user-specific files that can corrupt or glitch out, so if it works in a
different user, that narrows it down. However, since you already need to
Remove and Reinstall, there's not much point in you trying that now.


El Che 48

Hey Daiya

thanks for the advice, unfortunately, I am still stuck with the same

I followed the remove/reinstall directions to the "T", and I even
uninstalled Endnote (by looking for all files and deleting them) and
reinstalled Endnote.

I still cannot insert citations or use any other function on the CWYW
toolbar, except "go to Endnote".

Anytime I click those buttons, I get an error message saying the same
thing as before
"this command is not available because a document windows is not

Furthermore, when I go tools/macros/visual basic editor, I get two
error messages, one after the other, syaing the same thing:
"Could not open macro storage"

I think I need to fix Visual Basic, but I am not sure what to do

do you have any more advice about how to fix that, or any familiairity
with the problem I am dealing with?

I am really close to giving up. I hear Bookends is decent, but I tried
it and I feel like I'm settling for something lesser.


Daiya Mitchell

I followed the remove/reinstall directions to the "T"
Furthermore, when I go tools/macros/visual basic editor, I get two
error messages, one after the other, syaing the same thing:
"Could not open macro storage"

I think I need to fix Visual Basic, but I am not sure what to do
Yes, that's the right diagnosis. I actually had this problem once, but
can't remember what was wrong, though someone here told me how to fix it. La
di dah, google to the rescue. Unfortunately, the problem was that Word
couldn't find macro storage because the components weren't in the right
place and the fix was remove and reinstall.

When you reinstalled Office, did you do a default or custom install?
Did you use office setup or drag the folder to your hard drive?
Did you move anything manually after installing it?
Did you install it while logged in as an administrator?
Is it installed in your base applications folder (hard drive/apps) or in the
hard drive/user/apps folder?

Create a new user account for the computer (directions in MacHelp) and see
whether it works in there.

I suspect Bookends also works by means of macros, and if you don't have
access to macros in Word, you are missing out on a lot of efficiency--if you
are writing anything long and complicated enough to call for EndNote or
Bookends, macros are your friend. So it's good to get this fixed regardless
of the biblio software.


El Che 48

When I reinstalled office, I did a custom install (I don't need
entourage). i made sure to click the box for visual basic when I

I used teh office setup

I did not move anything after installing it

I am the only user on this computer, therefore I am the administrator

and I just checked to see where its placed, and I went to
Harddrive/apps and I found the Microsoft 2004 folder there.

do you think I should creat a new user account? or should I figure out
somthing else?

thanks so much with your help

Daiya Mitchell

Furthermore, when I go tools/macros/visual basic editor, I get two
error messages, one after the other, syaing the same thing:
"Could not open macro storage"

Anybody have any other ideas for fixing this error message, besides Remove
and Reinstall?


Sounds like everything is right. I really don't know.

I would at least check the new user account, it's fairly easy to do.

Actually, I would also try repairing permissions, as it's possible that some
permissions error is preventing macro storage from being accessed.

Office is really interdependent, but I don't see why not installing
Entourage would get you the "can't open macro storage" message. (crash on
opening Word, I might expect, but not macro interference). I think I checked
the KB and came up with nothing, except I don't trust the search tool.

In WinWord, this KB;en-us;290935
States 4 causes, including:
Low memory or disk space
Damaged Normal template
Permissions error

How's your memory/hard drive space?

Your Normal should be clean since you just reinstalled--or did you put your
old one back in for the customizations? Go ahead and test the Normal
template, it's quick enough--Quit Word, find username/documents/MS User
Data/Normal, change it's name to OldNormal or somesuch, and restart Word.
See if you get the same error.


Beth Rosengard

Daiya & Che,

First, the Normal template is not touched during an Office removal so if
there was corruption before, then there's still corruption, and testing it
is worth a try.

Secondly, though I too don't see what macro storage would have to do with
not installing Entourage, there's so much interdependency between the two
that I would recommend another complete removal and reinstall, this time
with ALL of Office.

Thirdly, did you check for possible third-party conflicts, Che? Quit Word
and open Word¹s Startup folder: /Applications/Microsoft Office
2004/Office/Startup/Word. Drag the contents (except for CWYW) to the
Desktop. If the problem disappears, then you know there's a conflict and you
can add them back in one by one until you find the culprit.

Finally, while I admit to knowing nothing about how VBA works, any time I
hear of odd problems with macro errors on the Mac where there are no known
macros, I suspect a macro virus. The Mac is not immune and if Che ever
opened an infected document (could even have been sent unknowingly by a
colleague or friend), then Che could be infected as well. The only way to
find out AFAIK is by installing a good anti-virus program and doing a deep
scan. The latest MacWorld magazine rates Intego's Virus Barrier the highest
of the Mac A-V applications (<>).

Hope this helps.

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard
MacOffice MVP

Mac Word FAQ: <>
(If using Safari, hit Refresh once or twice ­ or use another browser.)
Entourage Help Page: <>

Daiya Mitchell

Daiya & Che,
First, the Normal template is not touched during an Office removal so if
there was corruption before, then there's still corruption, and testing it
is worth a try.

You know? I completely forgot that Normal is now in the MUD and not
touched. I bet that's it--thanks so much! Stupid, stupid me.


El Che 48

Hey Daiya and Beth

thanks for your support so far

First, I checked the normal template. I renamed it, reopened word, and
still the same problem

About the permissions stuff...after every step in reinstalling office
2004, when possible, I ran the repair permissions task. so i think that
is a non-issue. But as I am writing this, I am running the repair disk
permission tool.

I had entourage installed when I originally found this problem, and
things haven't improved now that its gone.

about third party conflicts in teh start up folder. CWYW is the only
anything in there (besdies the .dot file). so I don't think there are
any 3rd party conflicts going on.

Abou tthe macro virus. I am running norton anit-virus at the moment. I
am not sure if it as fine a program as teh virus Barrier program, but I
do know I don't have the $$ right now to buy it, and Norton came free
from my university.

I don't know, I hope I find I have a virus and thats the end of that.

Please, I am very desperate, and am very open to suggestions.

again, I would like to reiterate my gratitude for your help


Beth Rosengard

Hi Che,

Since the macro viruses are old bugs, I suspect that your problem isn't
viruses; even if the Norton virus definitions aren't up-to-date (which they
should be anyway ­ are they?).

What .dot file is in your Word startup folder? .dot indicates that it's a
Word template. What does it contain? Drag it to your desktop and see if
you still have the problem.

Otherwise I'm at a loss. Daiya is the Word/Endnote expert around here and
hopefully she'll have another suggestion.

Sorry not to be more help.

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard
MacOffice MVP

Mac Word FAQ: <>
(If using Safari, hit Refresh once or twice ­ or use another browser.)
Entourage Help Page: <>

Daiya Mitchell

I'm pretty much at a loss as well.

Do try it without CWYW, as well (both and the other one) (Quit
Word, move the files to desktop, reopen Word, see if Tools | Macros, Visual
Basic Editor will come up)

And do try it in a new user account (see MacHelp for how to set one up),
it's pretty quick.

The Win KB did say low memory or disk space can cause the error. How much
memory do you have and what's the used/unused disk size?

I found the same problem on the EndNote mailing list archive a couple times
but the standard things worked (remove and reinstall) in those cases, so I
haven't a clue what to guess at this point. The list is here if you want to
double check:
And most of the relevant posts cite the "document window not active" error

Like said, it's working fine for me with EndNote 8.0, Word 2004 (11.1.0 but
the 11.1.1 update installed) and Panther 10.3.8; and it was working before I
installed the Office 11.1.1 update as well; and that's in a standard user,
not admin.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Beth Rosengard said:
Otherwise I'm at a loss. Daiya is the Word/Endnote expert around here and
hopefully she'll have another suggestion.

It's very often a problem properlky initiating the Visual Basic
Environment in Office (at least, that was almost always the case in
Office X).

Repairing permissions sure could help (it's a good thing to do anyway),
but I would definitively look into the Office preferences

Quit all Office apps, move the prefs to the Desktop and try re-launching
Word again. It shoudl take a little longer i(rebuilding some prefs and
cache) and hopefully the problem will be gone.

In Office X the culprit was the Carbon Registration Database, but I
don't know where the data is for Office 2004. It's probably in "VBA
Preferences", but I'm not sure (and it could be in one of the .plists).

If it doesn't work, there are also some files
in /Users/<you>/Library/Preferences/In any case, if it is indeed a
problem in one of the pref files, trying the same thing from another
user account on the Mac should allow you to use EndNote 8 (I too can use
it without problems on my Mac).


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