Office 2004 & Track Changes - preference to return to Office Xstyle?


Chris Watson

Is there any way to tell Office 2004 to show tracked changes in line as they
are shown in Office X, rather than pulled out into the right margin?

matt neuburg

Chris Watson said:
Is there any way to tell Office 2004 to show tracked changes in line as they
are shown in Office X, rather than pulled out into the right margin?

There is a preference to turn off the Page Layout view balloons, and
there are preferences that dictate how revisions are portrayed using
styles (strikethru etc.). m.

Dayo Mitchell

Not in 2004 yet, but I believe there may be a preference to "not use
balloons" which should do it. Look in the Track Changes tab of the
Preferences menu.


Dayo Mitchell

Nope, sorry, Never mind. Matt says it's the View tab of the Preferences
menu, when in Page Layout view, instead.

Clive Huggan


Your surmising (I know you don't have 2004 yet) was right. Word menu ->
Preferences -> Track changes -> Balloons -> Use balloons to display changes
(also: Include author, time stamp and action buttons).

Not sure whether that answers your question, Chris -- I can't stand to use
the feature, though I know that for some people it's indispensable.



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