Office 2007 and Office 2008



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Does anybody know about these issue:

When I open MS Office files made from MS Office 2007 (Windows version), why documents not appear exactly same in the screen?
Ex. Power Point file: some characters changed, missing picture, error
Word: missing table, table size changed

Is these because of compatibility issue between them?
I have updated my Office in my Mac to latest version 12.1.7
but the problems still persist.

Please advice, Thank you.

Bob Greenblatt

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Does anybody know about these issue:

When I open MS Office files made from MS Office 2007 (Windows version), why
documents not appear exactly same in the screen?
Ex. Power Point file: some characters changed, missing picture, error
Word: missing table, table size changed

Is these because of compatibility issue between them?
I have updated my Office in my Mac to latest version 12.1.7
but the problems still persist.

Please advice, Thank you.
It may be a compatibility issue, but before anyone can suggest a solution,
you will have to provide some very specific information like, which
characters changed, how was the picture placed in the file, what does "error
location" mean? You need to say exactly what was, done, what you saw on the
Mac version and why you thought it is wrong.

My first guess would be to make sure that all the same Microsoft fonts are
installed on both machines, and that only these fonts are used in the

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