Office 2007 Apps Slow to opn


Gregory Stermer

I've got a very frustrating issue occuring. I've got a brand new Dell that I
used a sysprep image on to install Windows XP Pro SP2 and Office 2007 Basic.
I'll mention the image also had Acrobat 8.0 Std, but I uninstalled and
upgraded to 9.0. This image (with Adobe 8.0) has worked on many machines
with same hardware profile with no issues.
*Problem* The problem is when you open Word or Excel documents, in both
native 2007 and 97-03 format, it will take 2-3 minutes for the app to open.
If I open Word or Excel first, then go to Ribbon/Open file, it loads in
seconds. The files I am trying to open are both on the desktop and in My
documents, and are not in remote or network locations. The problem occurs
regardless of user profile I.E. Local Admin, Domain users, Domain Admins...
Some things I have tried to resolve the issue- Changed print drivers and
default printer, Repaired Office 2007, Reinstalled Office 2007, removed user
profile from pc and recreated, opened 97-03 file and saved as DOCX, Created
a brand new blank DOCX, tried to find and remove equivalent of NORMAL.DOT,
disabled COM add-ins for Word and Excel.

I'm truly stumped by this one. If need be, I'll wipe and reload this PC from
scratch with no Sysprep, but I'm hoping I don't have to go that far as the
PC has already been deployed in the field and would mean downtime for the
end user.

Gregory Stermer

I resolved the issue.
I'm not sure why/how this has a bearing on the issue, but the users that had
experienced this issue all had network drives over VPN that were being
mapped to the PC upon login. When I disconnected those drives, all Office
documents open in 2-3 seconds. The entire time, I was only testing documents
local to the PC... so I overlooked that fact that they had an (unused)
network drive.

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