Kit Marty (CHM Consulting)
Since I upgraded from Office 2007 B2 to B2TR, I can no longer create PDF
files using the Adobe Acrobat 7.0.8 add-ins in these programs; I can only
create the PDF files by printing to the Adobe DPF printer. How can I (once
again) create PDF files by using the add-in Icons, by right clicking on the
file or by converting to PDF from with Adobe Acrobat?
I already tried Norton and Adobe and they said, talk to Microsoft, since
this is their beta product.
Kit Marty
files using the Adobe Acrobat 7.0.8 add-ins in these programs; I can only
create the PDF files by printing to the Adobe DPF printer. How can I (once
again) create PDF files by using the add-in Icons, by right clicking on the
file or by converting to PDF from with Adobe Acrobat?
I already tried Norton and Adobe and they said, talk to Microsoft, since
this is their beta product.
Kit Marty