Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh update failure



I've been using Office 2007 Beta 2 since 5/25/06.

I used IE7 and downloaded B2TR to my desktop. Clicked the icon and proceed
to install and got the following error msg.

The Detection failed this can be due to a corrupted installation database.

I figured I try Firefox to try again and the file downloaded to my desktop
with a (2), tried the install again and received the same Detection failed

Went to "How to toubleshoot a failed installation of Beta 2 Technical
Refresh update for 2007 Microsoft Office suites.

Followed step 1 - OK
Followed step 2 - OK
Step 3 gpedit.msn not found
Tried command line switch failed

It can't be all that hard to update to the B2TR, so I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks for your help.

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