Office 2007 Beta 2 TR MDI Black page problem




I've been having a problem since I installed Office 2007 Beta 2 TR whereby
when I open my any of my previously stored MDI files pages within them appear
entirely black. The same documents open correctly when I use Office 2007 Beta
2 without the technical refresh or Office 2003.

These MDI documents are very important to me as I use it as a format to
store scanned books on my tablet pc and enable indexing for easy searching
of them with the microsoft desktop search tool.

I've been able to reproduce the error on another desktop computer as well as
my tablet pc.

Intrestingly the black pages all though seeming random within the document
always appear on the same pages when the document is reopened. Also the
thumbnails even for the pages which appear black in the main window appear as
they should displaying the actual page rather than a page of solid black.

If anybody knows a resolution to this problem can they please help? Also is
there anyway of directly reporting bugs to microsoft for Office 2007 Beta 2
TR without using this forum that anybody knows of?


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Ben,

Can you print 'correctly' one of these that you cannot 'see' correctly?

If you turn down the hardware acceleration for the graphics card on your PC two notches then restart the MS Office Document Imaging
product do the items open?

Were these items you 'printed' to Document Imaging from MS Word or other Office app or scanned items? If scanned, what resolution
(bit level) was used and what scanner product and driver version?

Were you using any annotations on these files from with MS Office Document Imaging (MODI)?

Are you on Windows XP on these machines?

What version of Office/MODI waw in use where these were created?

To answer your other question, to send feedback (including screenshots) directly to the MS Office product team you can use the 2007
Feedback tool from link #3 below.


I've been having a problem since I installed Office 2007 Beta 2 TR whereby
when I open my any of my previously stored MDI files pages within them appear
entirely black. The same documents open correctly when I use Office 2007 Beta
2 without the technical refresh or Office 2003.

These MDI documents are very important to me as I use it as a format to
store scanned books on my tablet pc and enable indexing for easy searching
of them with the microsoft desktop search tool.

I've been able to reproduce the error on another desktop computer as well as
my tablet pc.

Intrestingly the black pages all though seeming random within the document
always appear on the same pages when the document is reopened. Also the
thumbnails even for the pages which appear black in the main window appear as
they should displaying the actual page rather than a page of solid black.

If anybody knows a resolution to this problem can they please help? Also is
there anyway of directly reporting bugs to microsoft for Office 2007 Beta 2
TR without using this forum that anybody knows of?

I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Send 2007 Office System Beta 2 feedback directly to the MS Office 2007 product team with this feedback tool:

4. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit



Thanks for the quick response.

I can confirm that when the document is printed it comes out as an entirely
black page.

I can also confirm that the problem persists if the hardware acceleration is
reduced by 2 notches on both machines.

All of the documents in question were scanned in either using a Canon PIXMA
780 or a Canon PIXMA 830.

The resolution used was 300dpi in all the files in question in 24bit colour.
The compression being used is MODI rather than TIFF. The dimensions of an
example page that always appears black is 2894x2243 but there are pleanty of
other pages in the same document that are displayed perfectly fine. All of
the files were created using Office 2003 MODI.

No Annotations were being used on any documents in question.

On my tablet PC I have Windows XP Tablet PC edition installed with all the
latest updates and on my desktop I have both Windows XP Home edition and
Windows Vista RC1 Build 5600 installed. The exact same problem persists on
all of these combinations when the Technical Refresh patch is applied to
Office 2007 Beta 2.

Something else to note is that when viewing the page in question that is
black in one of my MDI files a message box comes up saying “One or more pages
in this file cannot be viewed in Microsoft Document Imagingâ€.

I would happily provide an example of a file that causes the problem if that
helps and there is a means of doing so.

Please let me know if there is any more infomation I can provide that may
help solve the problem.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Ben,

If you can email me one of the original pictures (scan to a file rather than directly to MODI) and the MODI black page version that
may be helpful.

Can you also provide information on the age, make, model etc of your computer? There are some issues with hardware 'protection'
built in some of the newer ones that may be part of the issue.


Thanks for the quick response.

I can confirm that when the document is printed it comes out as an entirely
black page.

I can also confirm that the problem persists if the hardware acceleration is
reduced by 2 notches on both machines.

All of the documents in question were scanned in either using a Canon PIXMA
780 or a Canon PIXMA 830.

The resolution used was 300dpi in all the files in question in 24bit colour.
The compression being used is MODI rather than TIFF. The dimensions of an
example page that always appears black is 2894x2243 but there are pleanty of
other pages in the same document that are displayed perfectly fine. All of
the files were created using Office 2003 MODI.

No Annotations were being used on any documents in question.

On my tablet PC I have Windows XP Tablet PC edition installed with all the
latest updates and on my desktop I have both Windows XP Home edition and
Windows Vista RC1 Build 5600 installed. The exact same problem persists on
all of these combinations when the Technical Refresh patch is applied to
Office 2007 Beta 2.

Something else to note is that when viewing the page in question that is
black in one of my MDI files a message box comes up saying "One or more pages
in this file cannot be viewed in Microsoft Document Imaging".

I would happily provide an example of a file that causes the problem if that
helps and there is a means of doing so.

Please let me know if there is any more infomation I can provide that may
help solve the problem.

Ben >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Send 2007 Office System Beta 2 feedback directly to the MS Office 2007 product team with this feedback tool:

4. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit



I have sent the a page of a mdi file which has the black page problem in mdi
format and a copy of what the file should look like in lossless compressed
tga format. I emailed this infomation to "(e-mail address removed)" - is that
the correct address because the one in this forum is invalid "75214.226(At
Beautiful Downtown)". If thats not correct let me know your
address and I will resend the files.

Regarding the specification of my computer:

Here is the specification of the desktop machine:
Processor: Athlon X2 3800+
Motherboard: Asus A8N-SLI
Memory: 1024 MB of DDR 400 RAM
Hard disks: 2x 200GB Samsung SP2004C SATA 2 in Performance RAID-0
1x 160GB Seagate ST3160827AS Barracuda
7200.7 SATA with NCQ
Soundcard: Sound Blaster Audigy
Graphics: PCI-E Geforce 7600 GT 256MB
Monitor: Dell Widescreen 2005FPW
OS: Windows XP Home Edition + Windows Vista 5600 RC1 on separate physical

The specification of the Tablet PC:
Base unit: HP TC1100
Processor: Celeron M 900
Memory: 1280MB of DDR333 RAM
Hard disk: 80GB Hitachi Travelstar 7K100
Graphics: Geforce 4 420 Go 32MB
OS: Windows Tablet PC Edition

Please keep me up to date if make any progress with solving the problem.



Mike Rozyczko

I have this exact same problem as well. The moment I get MODI 11 installed,
the files view fine. Try to view them with MODI 12, black pages.

Unfortunately, installing 2003's MODI is not a solution, as .mdi files work
quite well but the rest of Office is broken by the presence of Office 2003 on
the system, even if you install just MODI and its OCR modules.

I've "sent a frown" to the Office team about this issue as well - please let
us know the second there's a fix!

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