Office 2007 Beta progams not responding


M J Bartmon

I am having issues with all of the 2007 beta programs:

Outlook - Takes 5 to 10 minutes from initial load to being usable.

Word and Excel: loads quickly enough but both hang on loading a document
with "virus scan" in the status bar.

Access - loads ok but hangs on opening a database.


What is your PC processor speed and available ram? Outlook 2007 Beta takes
about 15 seconds to be useable for me, IF it does not have mail to download
and IF it does not have "due" reminders to process. If either of the above
two conditions exist, then it could be up to three minutes, as it tries to
download and then pop up the little box saying what each new message is. I'm
running on a new PC with 2 GB ram.

M J Bartmon

Processor is running at 3Ghz with 2GB ram.

Outlook ALWAYS takes upwards of 10 minutes to become usable regardless of
any conditions.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Close Outlook - find and rename outcmd.dat to .old.

For the Virusscan problem, consult symantec knowledge base for a fix. It is
a known problem.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, M J Bartmon asked:

| I am having issues with all of the 2007 beta programs:
| Outlook - Takes 5 to 10 minutes from initial load to being usable.
| Word and Excel: loads quickly enough but both hang on loading a
| document with "virus scan" in the status bar.
| Access - loads ok but hangs on opening a database.

Beth Melton

For your virus scan message, if you are using Norton AV in Norton
Options in the Miscellaneous section turn off "Enable Office Plug-in".

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Office 2007 Preview Site:
Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:

TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

M J Bartmon


outcmd.dat was no where to be found on my computer.

So, I went on to the next issue. With NAV, I was not able to run the
Control program to make any changes. I therefore did an uninstall of Norton
Anti Virus.

After a reboot, I started Outlook and it came up immediately, no waiting for
it to become usable.

Likewise with Word, Excel and Access: no more hang while loading a document.

It would appear, then, that my NAV installation was corrupted and causing
all of the issues. Now I have to re-think my anti-virus strategy.


Bartmon, Mike

Problems solved in one stroke!

All of these problems (as well as others) were due to a corrupted
installation of Norton Anti Virus. Once I un-installed NAV, everything
started working quite well.


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