Office 2007 Bizarre =@sum() formula BUG - generates mailto: hyperl



Using =@sum(a1:a3) or any formula will automatically generate an EMAIL

We also use Infopath. When you are in a rich text format control, and you
type =@sum(a1:a3) and hit enter after the closing paragraph character, it
generates a mailto: hyperlink.

Dave Peterson

@ was used by Lotus 123 as the function indicator.

@ is also the character used in an email address.

If you're using Excel, stop using @sum().

If your formula starts with that function, then use an equal sign:

If your formula contains that function, you don't need it:


If you really must continue the use of @ (fingers won't stop typing it????), you
can turn off the feature that turns those strings into hyperlinks:

Tools|Autocorrect options|Autoformat as you type tab
Uncheck that "replace as you type" option (Internet and network paths with


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it still a bug, since =@whatever isn't a
valid internet email address anyway?

Dave Peterson

I don't know if it's a bug--or a feature. It's a fine line <vbg>.

If you don't want to stop using that @ in your functions, how about hitting
ctrl-z (edit|Undo) right after it's turned into a hyperlink?

Stephen Bye

funnybroad said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it still a bug, since =@whatever isn't
valid internet email address anyway?

What makes you think that =@whatever isn't a valid internet e-mail address?


It's not actually for me, personally. I am the project manager my
corporation's enterprise rollout of Office 2007 to 30,000+ workstations
located all over the globe.

This particular issue was reported by one of our pilot users... an
electrical engineer who is obviously accustomed to putting an '@' in his sum

It's next to impossible to tell how many more of our 30,000 users will
stumble across this "feature" when they are migrated to Office 2007.

I guess since this is a "feature" and since it sounds like "=@whatever"
should be considered an email address (I still disagree... unless the user
types a dot after the 'whatever'), I will direct my migration team to include
the following 'bullet' in the already huge list of what the users will have
to adjust to when they migrate to Office 2007:

Stop using @sum()

I know this sounds snippy... I actually REALLY appreciate your
response(s)... it definitely explained the behavior. Now I have to go back
to the high-maintenance and cranky engineer and tell him he needs to stop
using @sum. *sigh*

*Thanks* very much!!!

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