Office 2007 Clipboard woes


Allen C.

Hello all,

I've run into a problem that I've been able to chase down to Office 2007. I
have Windows XP Pro running with Office 2007. Periodically when I try to
copy something to/from an office program the paste operation will paste the
wrong data. An example would be that I copy an IE shortcut to an Outlook
email and then later decide to copy data from another email into a web form.
When I go to paste into the web form it will paste from the 1st copy
operation (shortcut from IE) instead of the 2nd one as it should have. If I
go into an Office app and look at the clipboard manager I see the shortcut is
the last thing in the clipboard manager instead of the last data I attempted
to copy. If I clear out the clipboard manager I'm back in business but this
is quirky and exceedingly frustrating. How do I either correct the Office
Clipboard behavior or disable it completely?

Earle Horton

Do you Copy using a keyboard shortcut or the Edit menu? I have noticed that
Ctrl-Insert in an Outlook window sometimes doesn't pick up the data that I
want, but that right-click Copy on the selection or Ctrl-C does the trick.
Trust Microsoft to violate their own user interface guidelines.


Allen C.


Thanks for the quick response. Your question is very good. I have actually
spent quite a bit of time trying to determine if there were any difference
doing ctrl-c/ctrl-v, right mouse copy/paste, edit-copy/edit-paste, or
combination there of. On my system it seems to be an equal opportunity

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