Do you have issues with the light blue highlight (mentioned elsethread)
specifically, or is it the overall Office color schemes? If you click the
Office File button and choose <application name> Options, you can change
the Color Scheme to Blue, Silver, or Black.
I like black best because it seems to have a bit more contrast, although I
think I may have gotten used to and liked silver if they'd had it
available during beta. Anyway, they all use the light blue text highlight,
although it's darker and better than it was during beta. I sometimes
couldn't see it at all there and struggled to tell what I had selected.
That's not much of a problem any longer.
What's new in PPT 2007?
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances
mikeao said:
How do you make Office 2007 products use the XP color schemes - like
other application that is running on the PC. Office continues to show
blue no matter what change is made.