Hi Eric,
For deploying for 'regular Windows' (desktop, laptop) use please see my reply to Russ in this same thread regarding the .MSI.
There is no Office 2007 converter/conmpatibility pack for Windows Mobile.
Windows Mobile also doesn't use older version Office files such as .doc and .xls files. These are converted when sending them to
the device and not all features are supported in the Pocket apps (similar to opening Word .doc files in WordPad).
The MS Windows Mobile/Pocket PC group separately creates the Office Pocket application versions and they would be the ones to
provide additional converters or an ActiveSync converter. I haven't been watching that side to see when that might happen, but you
may want to also post in the Windows mobile discussion group to see if those folks have any additional information on
plans/schedules for supporting the .docx et al formats. There are 3rd party converters becoming available that may be targeted to
that market as well. The XML (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx etc) formats for Office 2007 are in a published specification that is monitored
by a group outside of Microsoft, so the information needed to create the converters is available.
This converter is fine if you have a couple of PCs. But what about
enterprise users? This solution stinks. I have 1000's of users in multiple
offices around the country. I can't manually install this exe and I can't
expect all of those users to run it either. Where is the MSI for this
converter? Where is the converter for Windows Mobile as well? I have 100's
of Windows Mobile 5 users who can't open docx attachments. <<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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