Office 2007 cripples WebDrive mounted shares?


Saqib Ali

We use WebDrive ( to access WebDAV enabled
shares. However since I upgraded to Office 2007 I can no longer update
the content on the WebDAV shares using any of the office 2007 suite

I get the following error when I try to save a file to a WebDAV share
using Word 2007.
There has been a network or file permission error. The network
connection may be lost.

This used to work fine for older versions of Office.

Any thoughts?


Gerry Hickman


Web Folders were a feature of Windows 2000 and Office 2003 and earlier,
but on Vista and Office 2007 many people have reported web folders don't
work anymore (e.g. could be Frontpage or WebDAV). Not sure if this is
related to 'webdrive' because it's supposed to have it's own sub-system.
Probably best to ask the webdrive people.

Saqib Ali

Web Folders were a feature of Windows 2000 and Office 2003 and earlier,
but on Vista and Office 2007 many people have reported web folders don't
work anymore (e.g. could be Frontpage or WebDAV). Not sure if this is
related to 'webdrive' because it's supposed to have it's own sub-system.
Probably best to ask thewebdrivepeople.

WebDrive work independently of the WebFolder feature in some of the MS
Applications. If you map a WebDAV share using WebDrive you even use
notepad to read and write files to share, even though notepad has no
built-in WebFolder functionality.

The mapped WebDAV share acts like any other network mapped resource,
albeit stateless.

But for some reason MS Office Suite is no longer allowing files to be
saved on WebDrive mapped share. :-(


Saqib Ali

Web Folders were a feature of Windows 2000 and Office 2003 and earlier,
but on Vista and Office 2007 many people have reported web folders don't
work anymore (e.g. could be Frontpage or WebDAV). Not sure if this is
related to 'webdrive' because it's supposed to have it's own sub-system.
Probably best to ask thewebdrivepeople.

WebDrive work independently of the WebFolder feature in some of the MS
Applications. If you map a WebDAV share using WebDrive you even use
notepad to read and write files to share, even though notepad has no
built-in WebFolder functionality.

The mapped WebDAV share acts like any other network mapped resource,
albeit stateless.

But for some reason MS Office Suite is no longer allowing files to be
saved on WebDrive mapped share. :-(


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