office 2007 downloads



hello due to a crash of my computer i have lost my install for office 2007
beta. i went to download it and i found that i have to pay for it is there
anywhere i can download it without paying for it as i do not have a credit
card to use to pay for the download. if someone can help me i would be happy

Steve James

I understand it was published free on a whole bunch of give-away CDs on
magazine covers, but I don't know which ones.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

I know that was true for Windows Vista but I am not so sure about Office 2007.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Steve James asked:

| I understand it was published free on a whole bunch of give-away CDs
| on magazine covers, but I don't know which ones.
| "mattym1985" wrote:
|| hello due to a crash of my computer i have lost my install for
|| office 2007 beta. i went to download it and i found that i have to
|| pay for it is there anywhere i can download it without paying for it
|| as i do not have a credit card to use to pay for the download. if
|| someone can help me i would be happy

John Jay Smith

since you had it free... I see no reason not to find it in torrent (if you
use that kind of stuff)
just to replace something you had for free anyway....

if you never had if for free then you should pay :) Its the microsoft way
you know.. to install itself in your pocket with no uninstall icon ;-)

Its a bit chaotic in torrent.. so do that only if you are a geek or have
prior experience with torrent...
AND scan it for viruses...

This information is give as is... and is dedicated to MVPs....who... I am
sure, love me.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

No, we ignore you as much as possible and correct your FUD whenever we see it.

It is much like living in the south during the summer, nothing you can do about the humidity but you can at least swat the mosquitos.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, John Jay Smith asked:

| since you had it free... I see no reason not to find it in torrent
| (if you use that kind of stuff)
| just to replace something you had for free anyway....
| if you never had if for free then you should pay :) Its the
| microsoft way you know.. to install itself in your pocket with no
| uninstall icon ;-)
| Its a bit chaotic in torrent.. so do that only if you are a geek or
| have prior experience with torrent...
| AND scan it for viruses...
| This information is give as is... and is dedicated to MVPs....who...
| I am sure, love me.
| || hello due to a crash of my computer i have lost my install for
|| office 2007 beta. i went to download it and i found that i have to
|| pay for it is there anywhere i can download it without paying for it
|| as i do not have a credit card to use to pay for the download. if
|| someone can help me i would be happy

John Jay Smith

tsk tsk mvp... where are your Microsoft (tm) manners?


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
No, we ignore you as much as possible and correct your FUD whenever we see

It is much like living in the south during the summer, nothing you can do
about the humidity but you can at least swat the mosquitos.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, John Jay Smith asked:

| since you had it free... I see no reason not to find it in torrent
| (if you use that kind of stuff)
| just to replace something you had for free anyway....
| if you never had if for free then you should pay :) Its the
| microsoft way you know.. to install itself in your pocket with no
| uninstall icon ;-)
| Its a bit chaotic in torrent.. so do that only if you are a geek or
| have prior experience with torrent...
| AND scan it for viruses...
| This information is give as is... and is dedicated to MVPs....who...
| I am sure, love me.
| || hello due to a crash of my computer i have lost my install for
|| office 2007 beta. i went to download it and i found that i have to
|| pay for it is there anywhere i can download it without paying for it
|| as i do not have a credit card to use to pay for the download. if
|| someone can help me i would be happy

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