I get the same kind of error message when attempting to install a trial
version of MSO 2007. Before that, clicking the Download 1 button on the
Microsoft page gives me a prompt re: whether I'm sure that I want to install
the *2nd* download first
I let that one go, and the download happened. The error message is: Setup
cannot find Pror.WW\Office64WW.msi - I found an Office64WW.msi under
C:\MSOCache\All Users{9012000-0030-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}-C
but that didn't meet the grade.
As this is a trial version, there is not CD. I presently have Office 2002 if
that's any help. Actually, what I'm most interested in knowing at this point
is if my PC cuts the mustard as far as MSO 2007 being installable on it. I
read the specs, and I believe that it meets or exceeds each individual
requirement. Thanks for your help!