Hi Groucho,
There are a couple of different areas to explore. The 'limited support' in the Office Language Settings tool is usually from not
having the same language resources deployed in Windows Regional/Language Settings. This blog on citrix and Office/Windows
multilingual features may be of interest
Office 2007 is 'language neutral', meaning you can add language tools to it without deploying a whole separate version
The English language edition of Office 2007 includes proofing tools, but not the User interface for French and Spanish language.
Those can be added through the Multiuser Interface pack or by adding individual language packs.
If you're on a thin client, I'm assuming you're using volume license editions of Office 2007. It's simpler to deploy languages with
Office than after in some scenarios, but this article from the Office 2007 Resource kit may help.
Hello everyone
I am trying to figure out how to install both French and English versions of
office 2007 on the same computer. I see in the languages settings that I have
limited french language settings.
Do I have to get a french version of office 2007 and install that also?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
groucho >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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