Office 2007 Home & Student fails to installupdate - Keeps saying Close Word



Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Every time I try to install the update it stops & tells me to close Word - BUT WORD IS CLOSED

How can I get past this install problem?



Hi Dave -

Do you have more than one user account on that system? If so, is Word
possibly running in that other account?

Along the same line of thought: Are you on a network where more than one Mac
may have had Office installed using the same key?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac



Only one Mac user account. A stand alone computer also running VMWare Fusion & windows XP & Windows Office.

Fusion closed down (Windows Office not running) when trying to update my Mac version of Office Home & Student 2007. Update files Download but splash screen telling me to close Word before proceeding with the install - which I already did - won't go away. Keeps telling me to Close Word

Also tried down loading and installing after a system reboot without opening Word before trying to install the update - Same problem!

Other thoughts?



Now I'm not clear as to exactly *what* you're trying to update. Mac Office
is 2008 but your Subject refers to 2007 which is PC and reference to both is
mixed into your message.

To be honest I *rarely* install or update any Windows software any more ‹ I
let the younger techies who still have acceptable blood pressure readings
tinker with that stuff :) I believe I have seen some reference to this sort
of issue in the PC Word groups, though, but I can't remember what the gist
might have been. You might ask there if it is 2007 ‹ just follow this link:

If it is Mac Office post back with what specific version you're currently at
& which update you're trying to apply.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I installed MS Office Home and Student 2007 on my iMac several months ago. The computer tells me, after checking for updates with MS, that there is an update for me to install. After downloading the update I try to install it and after starting to do the update I get a message saying I must Close Word for the install to continue. BUT - Word is NOT Running yet the update program repeatedly tells me to close Word down.

I can NOT close Word because I have already closed Word. Your update won't finish install because it says Word is open when it is not open.

It's like Bud Abbot an Lu Costello old routine "Who's on First"

How do I get to 2nd base? Maybe even Home with a misguided update install?


If the program will close word for you then open world and let it. And please
clarify you are trying to install the mac version of office on you OS x part,
or a PC version of office on the PC part of your mac.


OK - Humor me on this one :) Keep the Command Key pressed while you press &
release the Tab Key... Does the Word logo appear in the navigation panel
that pops up? If so it means that Word is in fact launched even though you
may have closed/minimized any & all document windows. The program may simply
be Hidden rather than Quit. Bring Word to the front & use Word> Quit Word
(or Command+Q) to Quit the program.

If that isn't the case the next thing I would check is your User Account for
Login Items. If you have Word set to automatically launch - especially if
there's a check in the Hide box - that could be the problem.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Dear Good Humor Man

Yes, there was the little blue light under Word, Excel & PowerPoint. I closed them, then again tried to run the update Program. After the update program looked at my hard drive and external drive gave the OK to proceed. Yea! Thanks for the lesson on how to use a Mac.

Then I received this message -
"You cannot install Office 2008 SP1 Update (12.1.0) on this volume. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume." But MS Office MAC 2008 is on my Computer and is working, as it should - except for the problem of trying to update it.

I verified that the product key was correct.

Where have I screwed up this time?



Should have said Product ID is as I had written it down at time of install next to the Product Key label and found under "About Word"

Diane Ross

Then I received this message -
"You cannot install Office 2008 SP1 Update (12.1.0) on this volume. A version
of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume."
But MS Office MAC 2008 is on my Computer and is working, as it should - except
for the problem of trying to update it.Install and Update Errors

See the options to fix the problem here:



Hi Dave -

Take a look at Word> About Word to confirm the current version. If it's less
than 12.1.2 follow the link Diane pointed you to.

Although it isn't a bad idea to keep a record of the Product ID found in
that same dialog it doesn't have anything to do with installation or
updates. The Key on the disk envelope is what you need for installs & you
need nothing for updates. The Product ID is only needed if you ever contact
MS directly for support, disc replacement, etc.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


So far I've done the following:
# You need to repair permissions with Disk Utility, then
# Make sure that the MS Office folder's permissions are set as follows: User: Read & Write; admin: Read & Write and Everyone: Read Only. Permissions should be the same for all contents of that folder.

Same install problem remains.
Taking the computer to a authorized service center later this morning to see they can get it to update.

If they are unsuccessful - what are my next options?

Can I get MS to send me a replacement disk but with a later/latest version? If they can do that do I install it over my install or uninstall then reinstall with the new disk?

I'll give an update after I return from the svc. cntr.


Diane Ross

Can I get MS to send me a replacement disk but with a later/latest version? If
they can do that do I install it over my install or uninstall then reinstall
with the new disk?

The installer DVD does not come with the updaters. Sorry!
I'll give an update after I return from the svc. cntr.

Let us know. If you can afford it, I suggest buying a FireWire drive to use
for backup. We might need to do some serious work on your files if the
service center isn't able to repair them.

There are just so many gotchas that can cause Office 2008 to fail, it's very
hard on users right now. If you had a clean install of Leopard upgraded and
immediately installed and upgraded Office, I can see no reason it would

We'll eventually get through all the gotchas and get you installed.


Got it working. Here's how
1. Ran repair permissions with Disk Utility, then
2. Verified MS Office folder's permissions are set as follows: User: Read & Write; admin: Read & Write and Everyone: Read Only. Permissions should be the same for all contents of that folder. All was OK there.
3. Still had problems after many attempts to install update
4. Gave up. Powered down the computer. Had lunch. Powered up the computer and tried just once more - for the heck of it. Install went as it should.

Many thanks for your help. Power down with a long wait seemed to be the final trick

Many thanks Diane & Bob


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