Office 2007 install fails to remove Office 2003



I have created an msp file for my Office 2007 installation via the OCT.

However, when I apply it to a PC (manually applied at the moment using
setup.exe /adminfile test.msp), it installs fine, except that it fails to
uninstall Office 2003. I have been testing this for a while now, and it has
worked a couple of times, but now it just won't work. I thought perhaps to
begin with it was because Office 2003 was installed to a particular user
profile, but I have checked and it is in the All Users folder.

I have done some Group Policy settings - could these have had an effect?




Located the problem. the Office 2007 had in fact removed the previous
version. My error was that I had forgotten to remove the 2003 installation
package from my assigned programs list in the group policies. As such, the
links for Office 2003 are automatically re-installed.



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