Office 2007 Installation Crash



Hi all,

I was able to install several Office 2007 applications such as Visio
individually successfully. Then went to install the full Office 2007
Professional Plus group and during the installation my laptop crashed. So I
rebooted and tried to redo the install, but of course it won’t.

When I tried the first time it said the following error (copied from the
Event Viewer) then failed with no errors. When I try again it just says
there was an error, but nothing else, not even in the Event Viewer.

Product: Microsoft Office Shared MUI (English) 2007 -- Error 1704. An
installation for Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (English) 2007 is currently
suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue.
Do you want to undo those changes?

I did say yes to the question. I also can’t uninstall anything that was
installed before or apply the SP1 patch. All do the same thing. There seems
to be something set wrong now and it can’t get past this point. Any
suggestions on how to fix this issue so I can install Office?

My laptop is a Windows XP Pro SP2 with all patches.




Hey egallo.

The Microsoft explanation to this error, is to remove the stopped
installation with Add/Remove.
As far as I understand, you can't do that, because it don't appear in
I remember from my XP-days a problem similar to yours.
It is the memory in my brain and not on the computer, so be carefull with

I got into the windows directory to the folder "Installer". Here is all the
installed .msi and .msp.
It is the files, widows use when you install, reinstall and uninstall.
I moved the mouse over them, til I found the one for the program, who was in
the order of installing - in your case, it must be Microsoft Publisher.
I deleted that .msi, everything in Windows Temp-folder, in
"<user-folder>\local settings\Temp" and started the installprogram.
Now it used the installer from the CD and not from Windows \installer.

I think, Office makes a temporary folder on the drive starting with a
bracket "{" and a number or just a hex-number. If so, this has to be deleted

I don't know if you dare follow instruction from my brain - it takes a week
to reinstall every thing on the computer. (That have been the result a couple
af times during the years)


Thanks for the help but it did not work. Here is something else that might
help. When I tried to install again I noticed that there was an event in the
Eventviewer that was not an error. It also appers each time I try to install
Office or a SP.

Event Type: Information
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 11729
Date: 2/10/2008
Time: 7:38:09 PM
Product: Microsoft Office Shared MUI (English) 2007 -- Configuration failed.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 7b 39 30 31 32 30 30 30 {9012000
0008: 30 2d 30 30 36 45 2d 30 0-006E-0
0010: 34 30 39 2d 30 30 30 30 409-0000
0018: 2d 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 -0000000
0020: 46 46 31 43 45 7d FF1CE}

So it would seem that this Shared MUI is not correct and the setup fails on
this. Any way I can just get rid of this to start again.



Hey I figured out what the problem is below is how you can get Offic
2007 to install.

If you have received the follow Error while trying to install MS Offic
Enterprise 2007:

• Microsoft does not support upgrades from a pre-release version. (i.e
Office 2007 Beta or Trial versions)

Below is how I was able to correct the problem and get the entir
Office package to install on my system.

First you have to determine if you have any pre-release Office 200
programs on the system you are trying to upgrade. This is accomplishe
by doing the following steps below.

To remove a program from your computer, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remov
2. In the list of programs, click the one that you want to remove, an
then click Change/Remove.
3. Click Yes when you are prompted with the question "Do you want t
remove the program?
If you do not see any MS Office 2007 programs here, this does not mea
they are not still present on you system in the registry! (No Fear! Thi
is easy to fix as well)
*** Note ***
I had no listing of Office 2007 program in my list either.

Now you will need to download the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
I’ve hyperlinked it to make it easy to find however below is the we
address if the link is disabled.

Run the Windows Installer Cleanup and scroll down though the list an
verify that you do not have any Office 2007 programs on your system.
If you have more than a few you press and hold the “control key” an
highlight them with a mouse click.
Then select the “remove” radio button.
Once you have cleared all the pre-release versions of Office 2007, yo
will no longer get the associated error code again.
*** Note ***
This has not really been tested to work on Office 2007 products howeve
this was all I had to do to completely remove the prelease version o
Office 2007 (Beta) from my laptop. After I completed this task, Offic
Enterprise 2007 loaded successfully.

If after the above steps are competed and you are still unable to loa
Office Enterprise 2007, and you have received any of the follow Erro
while trying to install MS Office Enterprise 2007:

• Error 1704: Microsoft Office 2007 installation is suspended. Erro

• Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 encountered an error during setup

Despite what the MS knowledge bases(kb) say you have to do when thi
occurs this has to do with the version of Microsoft .NET Framework tha
you have installed.

Solution: Run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. Scroll down to se
the Microsoft .NET Framework versions installed on you system.

You should have:
• Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 [1.1.4322]
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 [2.1.21022]

*** NOTE ***
If you have any other version of MS .NET Framework that is not liste
above Office Enterprise 2007 will not load.

Use the ADD/Remove programs to uninstall the inhibiting versions of M
.NET Framework. Then run the Windows Clean up utility and verify tha
only the above versions are installed. Once you have completed thi
Office Enterprise 2007 should load successfully


Found one solution if you've gotten that annoying error "Setup cannot
install one of the required products for Microsoft Office Shared MUI "

It was so simple one should bitch-slap MS for making this F.U.B.A.R

I did install that MS installation cleanup utility prior to this.
I found in the install-log (Since the installation crashed after that
roll-back): "SetupExe([TodaysDate]5005145E84).log" or whatever it might
want to send. An .log-file anyways.

Within it I searched (F3) after the word "fail" and it found en
entry:"Error: Failed to install product: C:\MSOCache\All
Users\{90120000-0010-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}-C\RosebudMUI.msi ErrorCode:
1603(0x643). "

Then I opened the cd and searched for rosebud and it found it in the
folder "x:\Office 2007 Enterprise\Rosebud.en-us".

Enter that directory (x:\Office 2007 Enterprise\Rosebud.en-us)
Run the RosebudMUI.msi
It'll probably ask for the Windows-CD/DVD - Give it to it!
It'll perhaps complaint and then exit. It did for me. No errors after
that. Tried running it again and it came and went just as quick.

After that it installed Office FLAWLESSLY!

I should perhaps mention that the reason for this error was because
I've made the XP-install from a USB-stick and it's a bit screwy (Windows
that is) since the install was more or less unattended and a few days
after that I did something on one of my servers (Via Windows network)
and for some twisted reason that IP-address got incorporated into
windows register.

Just thought I'd register and post it here if anyone (ever?) got this
problem as well.
If you did, hope this helps.

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