Office 2007 Installation failure

  • Thread starter Olivier DELESTRE
  • Start date



I have got problems with the installation of Office 2007 Beta 2.
This is quite strange because it is the second time I install it on the
same machine (I uninstalled it in a "clean manner" with Add/remove

I tried to download it many times, and the archive does not seem to be
corrupted (I extracted the archive and then run the setup.exe file).

I copy there a little piece of the installation log :

7 Upgradable applications found
Parsing config.xml at: F:\off2007\Pro.WW\config.xml
Preferred product specified in config.xml to be: PRO
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\AccessMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\ExcelMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\\Proof.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\\Proof.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\\Proof.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\\Proof.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\Proof.en\Proof.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\\Proof.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\OfficeMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\OutlookMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\PowerPointMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\InfoPathMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\PublisherMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\\WordMUI.xml
Loading package metadata: F:\off2007\Pro.WW\ProWW.xml
BRANDING: Parsing SkuredData...
BRANDING: Parsing Branding Data...
Final Option Tree:
Kicking off chained install...
PERF: TickCount=15127582 Name=Job::DoCacheWork Description=Begin function
OSE service binary is detected at location: F:\Program Files\Fichiers
communs\Microsoft Shared\Source Engine\OSE.EXE
Running Source Engine process detected
Stopping running Source Engine process
OSE is running as a standalone process
Running OSE version 12.0.4017.1003
LIS: start caching package "{30120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}"
LIS: creating download package "{30120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}-F"
Error: Failed to create download: cannot get or load download from the
given download ID "{30120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}-F". Error
code: 0x80070002 HResult: 0x80070002.
Catalyst execution finished: 06/04/2006 13:18:20. Return code: 0.
Exception caught: HResultOnly.
PERF: TickCount=15130396 Name=RunSetup Description=End function

Thank you for your answer,


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