Office 2007 menus 16 bit



I have a user that has upgraded to office 2007 and now her menus are 16 bit.
But the computer display settings are set to 32 bit and the computer has very
nice colors. She ran the full upgrade install. We tried to change the themes
but still the applications run in this reduced color mode. What might I be

This is windows XP Pro with the latest service packs in place. And for a
added bit of information on my laptop I have also upgraded and yet the colors
are fine.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Is this person using a high contrast theme in windows?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Cameron asked:

| I have a user that has upgraded to office 2007 and now her menus are
| 16 bit. But the computer display settings are set to 32 bit and the
| computer has very nice colors. She ran the full upgrade install. We
| tried to change the themes but still the applications run in this
| reduced color mode. What might I be missing?
| This is windows XP Pro with the latest service packs in place. And
| for a added bit of information on my laptop I have also upgraded and
| yet the colors are fine.
| Suggestions?


No, actually on the computers on this network the default theme is setup and
we can't change them. What I find baffling is that on my laptop the install
worked fine, and yet on this associate the office 2007 menus have come out as
greyed with dull colors and in some instances the menus are hard to read. I
have checked and all he hardware drivers are up to date and our support
company keeps windows up to date. So I just do not know.

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