Office 2007 Ribbon - Autoshow?


Wayne Bloss

In the majority of other Windows applications, the menu system allows me to
click one menu item (eg. "Edit") and then just move my mouse left and right
in order to see what is under the adjacent menus. Is there any way to make
the Ribbon do this?

As an advanced user of previous versions of Office, I know that Microsoft
"invented" this new Ribbon interface (aka "a bunch of Tabs") to enhance my
productivity, so I assume that there should be *less* clicking and /faster/
access to functionality. I am sure that it had _nothing_ to do with growing
competition from free alternatives like OpenOffice.

Thank you.


Why do you "know" that Microsoft "invented" the ribbon interface? Tabbed
toolbars have existed in one form or another for years. Microsoft merely
coined the term and gave it prominence thanks to the ubiquity of Microsoft

To answer your question...I think I saw a question in your post...less
clicking and faster access to functionality is a hallmark of the ribbon, in
my experience. I use Office 2007 at home and love the interface.
Unfortunately, I'm stuck with unwieldy Office 2003 at work.


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