Office 2007 slow to open files on network drive



I am using Windows XP Professional SP3 with Office 2007. I have saved Office
files stored on a mapped network drive that is pointing to a HDD on an SBS
2003 server.

The networks perfectly, speeds are good and browsing the network drive works

However, on this particular machine, when I first open Office files (Word,
Excel etc), there is a noticable delay of about 10 seconds before any data
appears to populate the application window. Say I open a Word document, it
takes 10 seconds to display, even though Word is open. If I close it, then
reopen, it appears instantly, as do any other Word documents I then open.
The same happens with Excel. This behaviour continues until I reboot the
computer, when the cycle begins again.

None of the other computers on my network (same OS and Office version)
exhibit this behaviour. The Office Diagnostics tool comes back fine and I
have also tried remapping the network drive, but the result is the same.

Is there anything I can try short of re-installing Office?


I was having similar problems with Word and Excel 2007 files. I was
also having the issue of whenever trying to copy/move files from the
network share to the local computer, IE would prompt me with "Do you
want to move or copy files from this zone?" You wouldn't neccessarily
think the two issues are related, but they are.

It seems IE trys to detect the intranet settings while opening files,
and once it does, every other file opened in that session opens without

Go to Security tab in Internet Options, click on Local Intranet, then
click on Sites. Uncheck "Automatically detect intranet network", and
check "Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones" and
"Include all network paths (UNCs)".

Hope this works for you,


I'm afraid that didn't work for me. Still a big delay opening files even
with those settings.


I have the same problem with Office 2007. I get about 13 seconds delay while
opening word, excell or PP file from a mapped network drive. This problem was
in few computers in our network. But now in all the computers which use
Office 2007.
Even I asked 2 times for this in this community I could not find a solution.



I also am using Office 2007 on a brand new computer equiped with Window
XP Professional which is connected to a server network. Not only ar
Excel 2003 files slow to open and save, but any of the new formats ar
too. However, I have noticed a trend that is becoming glaringl

1. Files on my local computer open, save and close in an instant, eve
when they are several MB in size, and have complexities such as macro
and multiple integrated sheets.

2. On the other hand, files across the intranet can take up to 6
seconds to open or save.

3. If I open a 'slow' file from the server, and save it onto my ow
computer, it works like lightening.

Has anybody got any ideas why this is happening? Is the server networ
interfering with the downloading and saving of files? Another proble
which I believe could be related is this: when I transfer a file ove
the intranet to the server, it goes very quickly. However, when I tr
to bring it back from the server to my computer, it takes literally
hundred times longer! Sounds incredible, but it is true! Could thes
two problems be related? The strange thing is that under Office 2003
did not have a problem with files over the intranet

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