Office 2007 upgrade doesn't remove Office 2003


Mark Hewitson

Our users wun Office 2003. We upgraded Outlook to 2007 using a
customization.MSP file, this is all ok.

Now we wish to upgrade the rest of the Office suite to 2007. I understand
that you cannot run setup.exe /adminfile as Outlook 2007 is already
installed, so what I have done is:
1) modify the customization.MSP file to install the whoel suite and remove
all previous versions of Office.
2) run: msiexec.exe /p customization.MSP

The Office 2007 suite get install fine, but Office 2003 doesn't get removed.
Both versions work.

Any ideas how to automate this?

Sloan Crayton [MSFT]

Since Office 2007 is already installed, the logic that removes previously
installed versions cannot be triggered in this way. So it would be best to
uninstall Office 2003 via a commandline (which can also be triggered via a

An example of the commandline is ...
Setup.exe /x <path>\<product>.msi /qb-

If you want no UI, then you can substitute '/qn' for '/qb-'.

Sloan Crayton

| Thread-Topic: Office 2007 upgrade doesn't remove Office 2003
| thread-index: AchX9YZGdbXzDSuISaCOeGNW9fLx5g==
| X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| From: =?Utf-8?B?TWFyayBIZXdpdHNvbg==?=
<[email protected]>
| Subject: Office 2007 upgrade doesn't remove Office 2003
| Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 20:09:01 -0800
| Lines: 15
| Message-ID: <[email protected]>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
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| X-Tomcat-NG:
| Hi,
| Our users wun Office 2003. We upgraded Outlook to 2007 using a
| customization.MSP file, this is all ok.
| Now we wish to upgrade the rest of the Office suite to 2007. I understand
| that you cannot run setup.exe /adminfile as Outlook 2007 is already
| installed, so what I have done is:
| 1) modify the customization.MSP file to install the whoel suite and
| all previous versions of Office.
| 2) run: msiexec.exe /p customization.MSP
| The Office 2007 suite get install fine, but Office 2003 doesn't get
| Both versions work.
| Any ideas how to automate this?

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