Office 2007 Very Slow

  • Thread starter Jasdeep Singh Mudhar
  • Start date

Jasdeep Singh Mudhar


Anumber of us users are suffering from the extremely slow response times
that office 2007 gives. Sometimes emails will just not respond to the click,
some times when you click on an item, it send it into 'not responding' mode
and then rectifies itself.

The same happens to word and excel.

Are there any tips that can be implemented to resolve this issue.


"A number of us users are suffering ---"

Is there anything in common amongst the number of users?

The number of possibilities to explore, due to the lack of information is
quite large.

(Anything from misbehaving background software to hardware limitations.)
Such things as shadow copy, AERO, obsolete video drivers are just a small
selection of the possibilities.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

You'd need to tell us a lot more about the situation - for example what
operating system are you using it on? What antivirus are you using?
What kind of computer? How much RAM? Is it ALWAYS slow or just
sometimes? Has it always been slow or just started? Have you tried
starting Outlook in Safe mode?

The fact that it happens to Word and Excel too makes me think you have
too many apps running at once on a machine not powerful enough to
support that with good performance.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

"Jasdeep Singh Mudhar" <[email protected]>
wrote in message

Jasdeep Singh Mudhar

OK, operating system is Win XP pro SP2, RAM is 2GB, 80 GB hard disk.
Anti-virus is symantec endpoint.

The only apps running are outlook, word and adobe at the most. For some,
when they click on an email it takes 1 min and longer to open up , the hour
glass is pretty whizzing around and then the whole screen goes white-blank.

Outlook in safe mode is ok, it does not crash. Word in safe mode works ok. I
mean the machine we use are pretty high spec. I cannot believe the RAM or
hard disk capacity is a problem.

Only users on office 2007 are experiencing the problem. one of them happens
to be the MD's secretary.

We have tried a detect and repair, re-install of office components,
microsoft updates but still no improvements. So much so, one day i lost my
entire contacts list in outlook when the screen went all white and outlook
said - Not Responding.

Any ideas are useful for us to try.

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