Office 2007 Word error on startup



After installing the Office Beta2 Technical Refresh, Word 2007 started up with two "can't
find . . ." errors. So I deleted the whole works and reinstalled both Office 2007 and the
TR. Now it only shows one missing file. After dismissing the error, all appears to work
ok. The error comment is "Word cannot open this document template, (C:program Files\. .
..\A20MSW11.DOT). It can be disabled but it comes back again.

What to do?


Beth Melton

It due to an add-in that is not compatible with Word 2007. Locate
A20MSW11.DOT and remove it from the Startup folder to prevent it from
loading when Word starts. Chances are it's located at:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Startup\

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Office 2007 Preview Site:
Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:

TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Thanks, Beth.


Beth Melton wrote:
: It due to an add-in that is not compatible with Word 2007. Locate
: A20MSW11.DOT and remove it from the Startup folder to prevent it from
: loading when Word starts. Chances are it's located at:
: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Startup\
: Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
: assistance by email can not be acknowledged.
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Beth Melton
: Microsoft Office MVP
: Office 2007 Preview Site:
: Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:
: TechTrax eZine:
: MVP FAQ site:
: :: After installing the Office Beta2 Technical Refresh, Word 2007
:: started up with two "can't
:: find . . ." errors. So I deleted the whole works and reinstalled
:: both Office 2007 and the
:: TR. Now it only shows one missing file. After dismissing the error,
:: all appears to work
:: ok. The error comment is "Word cannot open this document template,
:: (C:program Files\. .
:: .\A20MSW11.DOT). It can be disabled but it comes back again.
:: What to do?
:: rs

Beth Melton

I noted you also posted this in another group with more details than
you did in this post. :)

You also indicated you are unable to open any saved document and if
that's the case the template may be compatible after all.

If you are using Norton AV then go to Norton Options and in the
Miscellaneous section turn off "Enable Office Plug-in".

If you are not using Norton but it was previously installed then the
DLL for the plug-in could still be registered.

Search for officeav.dll and if found go to Start/Run and run the
following command:

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"

In the above example the path for "Officeav.dll" would depend on the
location of the DLL.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Office 2007 Preview Site:
Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:

TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Beth, you may be thinking of some other poster. It wasn't I who had problems opening
documents. Or -- my blackouts are worse that I thought. Thanks for the info, though. And
my opening errors have ceased after I removed Avery.


Beth Melton wrote:
: I noted you also posted this in another group with more details than
: you did in this post. :)
: You also indicated you are unable to open any saved document and if
: that's the case the template may be compatible after all.
: If you are using Norton AV then go to Norton Options and in the
: Miscellaneous section turn off "Enable Office Plug-in".
: If you are not using Norton but it was previously installed then the
: DLL for the plug-in could still be registered.
: Search for officeav.dll and if found go to Start/Run and run the
: following command:
: regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"
: In the above example the path for "Officeav.dll" would depend on the
: location of the DLL.
: Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
: assistance by email can not be acknowledged.
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Beth Melton
: Microsoft Office MVP
: Office 2007 Preview Site:
: Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:
: TechTrax eZine:
: MVP FAQ site:
: :: Turned out to be the Avery Wizard.
:: rs

Beth Melton

Your blackouts aren't getting any worse. ;-) It looks like I was
thinking of someone else with a similar name, same issue, and it was
posted on the same day. "Bob" in another newsgroup encountered the
same error with Word 2007 and A20MSW11.DOT:"&rnum=1#b98054a31e4d5787

Sorry about that - I usually have a better memory. :)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Office 2007 Preview Site:
Office 2007 Community Articles/Tutorials:

TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

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