Office 2008 Beta Update for Mac



I have a 2008 Microsoft Office Beta version installed on my Mac with OSX. The
version has expired and will not open. It gives me a message "Beata version
has expired, please contact Microsoft for update. However, Microsoft can not
offer support for this prouct for another year (unill the full version is
released). If I can't update this program, does anyone know how to remove it
because the removal tool can't be opened untill I update the whole office

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

If you had the Office 2008 Mac beta installed, then you got it from the beta program right? Contact your beta program contacts for either an update or for instructions on how to remove the beta. The beta is not legally available outside of the Mac Office Beta program.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, elanishere asked:

| I have a 2008 Microsoft Office Beta version installed on my Mac with
| OSX. The version has expired and will not open. It gives me a message
| "Beata version has expired, please contact Microsoft for update.
| However, Microsoft can not offer support for this prouct for another
| year (unill the full version is released). If I can't update this
| program, does anyone know how to remove it because the removal tool
| can't be opened untill I update the whole office version.

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