Office 2008 Dock Icon Needed



The Microsoft generated icon used on the Microsoft Office 2008 folder
looks terrible when you copy/paste and drag it to dock. It show up as a
yellow blob. I would like to find a better looking Office 2008 icon for
use on the dock.

I managed to leach the icon from the installer on the 2008 install disc
and it looks okay but shows the three arrows - for an installer.

Can someone give me a pointer to an Office 2008 icon without the arrows?

FYI, I drag the Microsoft Office 2008 folder to the dock and used the
Leopard copy/paste trick to add the icon. The only Office application
icon I keep on the dock is Entourage. When I need one of the other
apps, I mouse the Microsoft Office 2008 folder on dock.

Too bad newsgroups will not show screenshots. Two simple picture
would save many words.

Help..... want a better looking Microsoft Office 2008 dock icon?


Daiya Mitchell

I was going to say try using the icon from the Microsoft Project
Gallery, which you can launch independently from apps/ms office
2008/office. But that icon actually sucks. If you still have 2004
around, try the Project Gallery Launcher icon from that version--nice
yellow O, though I'm not sure how it will scale, etc, or look in Leopard.

By the way, keeping the Project Gallery in your Dock might be easier for
you than the folder--it offers New Word doc, New XL doc, New PPT, new
Email or Event, can go on the apps side of the doc, and ought to show
recent files for easy access.



Thanks for the tip to use the icon from the 2004 Project Gallery. I now
have it on the dock for the 2008 Microsoft Office folder. Looks better
than what i was using. Let me know if you find something better for
Office 2008.


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