office 2008



Version: 2008 my eight year old Mac was written off and I've bought a new Mackbook. I downloaded word files onto a usb but the new machine wound not open them. I returned to the Apple store where I was told that office 2008 was not compatible with the old word program. How do I solve this problem, I need to finish a memoir.

Phillip Jones, C.E.T.

Depending upon the the age of your files he could be right or he could
be clueless PC convert

anyway. try instead of Double Clicking on the file to open, Try opening
2008 and then locate the file.

If I am not mistaken the file format of .doc files have not changed
since the days of Word 6.0. only with the advent of the XML based Docx
for word 2007 PC/ and 2008 Mac, changed.

versions previous to Word 6 have been banished though. due to claims
that someone can easily hack the code. I suppose that was so, as Apple's
recommendation was turn macros off because at the time Macro virus could
do as much damage on a Mac as on PC.

Since I don't need Macros in 2004 I have macros turned off. And if I
get to the point I can use 2011 or 12 or what ever (will require the
purchase of an Intel Computer) I probably will then unless they have
increased security on Macros and VBA.


One footnote to Phillip's response: Make sure you have Office 2008 fully
updated & if you are trying to open the files from the USB stick, *don't*.
Copy or move the files to your HD then use the File> Open command in Word.

If they do happen to be files that predate Word 6, all is not lost. They can
still be salvaged so reply here for further information if needed.


I was advised to write doc behind each file and some of them do open, but not others. Today I downloaded office2008 12.2.4 as an update.

John McGhie

You have not yet told us how you are trying to open the files, nor what
happens when you do that.

We need the step-by-step description, we cannot see your screen from here.

I was advised to write doc behind each file and some of them do open, but not
others. Today I downloaded office2008 12.2.4 as an update.


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

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