Office 97 patches for MS03-035 and MS03-036?


Trevor Metzger

I was looking through the Sept 3, 2003 security bulletins
( )

Office Update should work fine for Office 2000 and newer.
But it does not work for Office97.
MS says that they have patches for MS03-035 and MS03-036 for Office 97 but
it seems that you need to contact MS support to get them.

I'm dreading trying to get through to MS (on the phone?) for these patches.
Is there someplace that they can be downloaded?


Bloke at the pennine puddle

Within the related support articles there is a list of the files that
are replaced.

What if OfficeUpdate is run one one computer to apply the security
update and then the updated files can be retrieved from this updated
computer and replicated to all the others?

If you have two computers on a network with identical versions of
office 97 installed then a simple binary file comparison will reveal
what DLL's and EXE's have been changed.

Yes, there is the fact that the registry can be changed, but export a
copy of the registry on the computer being OfficeUpdated before and
again after the update and see what registry changed have been made.

I'm going to try this at work when I get some spare time.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Have you tried installing a Software Update Service box at your location?
See here for details:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding no answer
Bloke at the pennine puddle <[email protected]> asked:

| Within the related support articles there is a list of the files that
| are replaced.
| What if OfficeUpdate is run one one computer to apply the security
| update and then the updated files can be retrieved from this updated
| computer and replicated to all the others?
| If you have two computers on a network with identical versions of
| office 97 installed then a simple binary file comparison will reveal
| what DLL's and EXE's have been changed.
| Yes, there is the fact that the registry can be changed, but export a
| copy of the registry on the computer being OfficeUpdated before and
| again after the update and see what registry changed have been made.
| I'm going to try this at work when I get some spare time.
|| I was looking through the Sept 3, 2003 security bulletins
|| ( )
|| Office Update should work fine for Office 2000 and newer.
|| But it does not work for Office97.
|| MS says that they have patches for MS03-035 and MS03-036 for Office
|| 97 but it seems that you need to contact MS support to get them.
|| See;en-us;827647
|| and;en-us;827656
|| I'm dreading trying to get through to MS (on the phone?) for these
|| patches. Is there someplace that they can be downloaded?
|| -Trevor

Bloke at the pennine puddle

The company I work for is only reall interested in receiving goods,
packing goods and shipping it all off. For how I.T. is used within
the company I work for, trying to justify that we need every
conceivable Microsoft server to all these tasks, and the computers to
boot is like telling this company that everyone that works there that
everyone needs a BMW Roadster as a company car.

It would be, for what it is, far better for Microsoft to make all
security patches available dor download and not having to be forced to
jump through hoops to obtain `security patches`!

No. I know about Software Update Services. Right at the moment I see
no justification for it.

Remember, our I.T. usage is seriously small and limited. Criky, we
are still using some Windows 95 installations on a few Intel 486
boxes! This is because these boxes work with the software on them and
there is just no need to decomission these particular boxes.

Never mind. It'll be good troubleshooting practice to compare a
patched (via. OfficeUpdate) and unpatched computer. Yep, more work,
but will beep my skills tuned.

Still, I will review the SUS. Thanks.

Milly Staples said:
Have you tried installing a Software Update Service box at your location?
See here for details:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding no answer
Bloke at the pennine puddle <[email protected]> asked:

| Within the related support articles there is a list of the files that
| are replaced.
| What if OfficeUpdate is run one one computer to apply the security
| update and then the updated files can be retrieved from this updated
| computer and replicated to all the others?
| If you have two computers on a network with identical versions of
| office 97 installed then a simple binary file comparison will reveal
| what DLL's and EXE's have been changed.
| Yes, there is the fact that the registry can be changed, but export a
| copy of the registry on the computer being OfficeUpdated before and
| again after the update and see what registry changed have been made.
| I'm going to try this at work when I get some spare time.
|| I was looking through the Sept 3, 2003 security bulletins
|| ( )
|| Office Update should work fine for Office 2000 and newer.
|| But it does not work for Office97.
|| MS says that they have patches for MS03-035 and MS03-036 for Office
|| 97 but it seems that you need to contact MS support to get them.
|| See;en-us;827647
|| and;en-us;827656
|| I'm dreading trying to get through to MS (on the phone?) for these
|| patches. Is there someplace that they can be downloaded?
|| -Trevor

Trevor Metzger

I have questions about SUS (Software Update Service) because I haven't yet
used it:
Would it include Office updates or only the windows updates that are at
WindowsUpdate? Would it support Office97 on Windows98? The website seems to
talk only about Windows2000,XP,2003.

Milly Staples said:
Have you tried installing a Software Update Service box at your location?
See here for details:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding no answer
Bloke at the pennine puddle <[email protected]> asked:

| Within the related support articles there is a list of the files that
| are replaced.
| What if OfficeUpdate is run one one computer to apply the security
| update and then the updated files can be retrieved from this updated
| computer and replicated to all the others?
| If you have two computers on a network with identical versions of
| office 97 installed then a simple binary file comparison will reveal
| what DLL's and EXE's have been changed.
| Yes, there is the fact that the registry can be changed, but export a
| copy of the registry on the computer being OfficeUpdated before and
| again after the update and see what registry changed have been made.
| I'm going to try this at work when I get some spare time.
|| I was looking through the Sept 3, 2003 security bulletins
|| ( )
|| Office Update should work fine for Office 2000 and newer.
|| But it does not work for Office97.
|| MS says that they have patches for MS03-035 and MS03-036 for Office
|| 97 but it seems that you need to contact MS support to get them.
|| See;en-us;827647
|| and;en-us;827656
|| I'm dreading trying to get through to MS (on the phone?) for these
|| patches. Is there someplace that they can be downloaded?
|| -Trevor

Bloke at the pennine puddle

So, installing an SUS box for updating is a mute point? It's what was

Sorry, I'm just really miffed about having to jump through hoops to
obtain a basic set of critical security patches.

Milly Staples said:
Currently, SUS only supports OS patches and such. There is some talk about
having a system for Office as well but I don't think it has gone beyond just
talk for now.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding no answer
Trevor Metzger <[email protected]> asked:

| Milly:
| I have questions about SUS (Software Update Service) because I
| haven't yet
| used it:
| Would it include Office updates or only the windows updates that are
| at
| WindowsUpdate? Would it support Office97 on Windows98? The website
| seems to
| talk only about Windows2000,XP,2003.
| -Trevor
| || Have you tried installing a Software Update Service box at your
|| location?
|| See here for details:
|| --?
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| After searching and finding no answer
|| Bloke at the pennine puddle <[email protected]> asked:
||| Within the related support articles there is a list of the files
||| that
||| are replaced.
||| What if OfficeUpdate is run one one computer to apply the security
||| update and then the updated files can be retrieved from this updated
||| computer and replicated to all the others?
||| If you have two computers on a network with identical versions of
||| office 97 installed then a simple binary file comparison will reveal
||| what DLL's and EXE's have been changed.
||| Yes, there is the fact that the registry can be changed, but export
||| a
||| copy of the registry on the computer being OfficeUpdated before and
||| again after the update and see what registry changed have been made.
||| I'm going to try this at work when I get some spare time.
|||| I was looking through the Sept 3, 2003 security bulletins
|||| ( )
|||| Office Update should work fine for Office 2000 and newer.
|||| But it does not work for Office97.
|||| MS says that they have patches for MS03-035 and MS03-036 for Office
|||| 97 but it seems that you need to contact MS support to get them.
|||| See;en-us;827647
|||| and;en-us;827656
|||| I'm dreading trying to get through to MS (on the phone?) for these
|||| patches. Is there someplace that they can be downloaded?
|||| -Trevor
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