office assistant error



We seem to be having problems with the Office Assistant since we migrated
from Office 97 to Office 2003. We get, every so often, the message that the
Office Assistant cannot be started.

Is there a way, maybe in the startup code of the database, to stop this error?

For information, we use Excel 2000 and Word 2000, and Access 2003.

Thanks in advance.

Bob I

If you are using Excel 2000 and Word 2000, it doesn't sound like you
migrated to Office 2003. Perhaps using all of the same version
applications would resolve the problem with Office assistant?


It would but it's out of our control. Completely. We're using the versions
we're told to.

Beth Melton

This is a known issue when you are using mixed versions of Office
applications. It's caused by turning the Office Assistant on/off in the
mixed versions. There is a hotfix available to correct the error:

Note that the actual steps used in the cause may vary.

BUT the "fix" is to start the Office Assistant everytime you start an Office
2000 application. If you'd prefer that does not occur then the suggested
workaround is to leave the critter turned off.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
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Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:


Thanks Beth.

What's simple code to ensure it's switched off in the startup of each
database? That'd ensure it's off when Excel or Word are run.

The hotfix would have to be installed from the server by IT with
confirmation from head office etc. So the code would be the far easier route!


Beth Melton

I don't think you want the hotfix anyway. At least I didn't. Seeing the
Office Assistant every time I started a 2000 application was extremely
annoying -- almost as bad as Office 97.

You'd need to create function procedure with the following (I believe it's a
correct statement anyway. I never programmed the critters and they retired
in Office 2007, which is what I currently have installed):

Application.Assistant.Visible = False

Then create an AutoExec macro using the "Run Code" Action (Method) that
calls your function. Note that even though the code isn't technically a
function you can't call a sub procedure in the AutoExec macro.
Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP?

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:

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