Office Assistant MIA



My Office Assistant keeps getting lost. Sometimes it will work with Outlook
2003, but not with Excel 2000, Word 2000, etc. I can do a Detect and Repair
and it's good for awhile and then it's gone again.

Using Office Pro 2000 on XP Pro. Outlook 2003 is used by Exchange 2003.


There are several other CPU's on the network that are not having this issue.
The Outlook was upgraded when the Exchange server was installed a year ago.

Beth Melton

If you are showing the Office Assistant in one version and then hiding
it in another then that's why you are encountering problems. This is a
known issue and the hotfix mentioned in the article Bob cited will
work but you should know the repercussions: regardless of whether you
have the Office Assistant turned on or off it will always display when
you start an Office 2000 application.

The best workaround is to either leave it turned on or off.

You may want to get used to it being turned off. Thankfully in Office
2007 the Office Assistant went MIA for good. ;-)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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