Kevin L. Bass
Dear Sir or Madam:
When running automatic update it progresses to 53% (at
first I thought it
was 40%) and I get the following error:
"The Office Update Catalog cannot be displayed"
"The Office Update site is currently experiencing some
difficulties and is unable to check for updates."
This is the error message I get on my IE status bar right
before the above
error page appears:
"Opening page
is null or not an object..."
Maybe that can shed some light on the problem. Just some
information. When uninstalling Office XP and
reinstalling and running
automatic update for the first time I got two (2) script
error dialogs. I
should have debugged so I could provide further
information but I selected
"NO" to both.
When running automatic update it progresses to 53% (at
first I thought it
was 40%) and I get the following error:
"The Office Update Catalog cannot be displayed"
"The Office Update site is currently experiencing some
difficulties and is unable to check for updates."
This is the error message I get on my IE status bar right
before the above
error page appears:
"Opening page
is null or not an object..."
Maybe that can shed some light on the problem. Just some
information. When uninstalling Office XP and
reinstalling and running
automatic update for the first time I got two (2) script
error dialogs. I
should have debugged so I could provide further
information but I selected
"NO" to both.