Office B2TR



I have been using the Office Beta for a couple of months now and all has gone
well until I installed the B2TR version. Now even when I create a word
document in Word, I am unable to open it again. I get an error message
indicating that my anti virus program found an irregularity in the document.
My virus definitions are all up to date.

ANy ideas?????

Mike from California

I get the same error under the same circumstances. I use Norton Antivirus,
and updating it has no effect. I've been to the Symantec site, and there is
no mention of a problem with the Office beta. The only thing I can do in
Office right now is use Outlook. In fact, if I Preview an Excel spreadsheet
in Outlook, that works. But If I try to Open the same document, I get the
error. I have given feedback to Microsoft, but they appear to be too busy to
deal with this.


If you go into Norton Anit Virus and uncheck the box which integrates Norton
with Office apps that does the trick. It worked for me.

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