Office compatibility



I am buying a new computer with Office 2003 Small Business
edition installed from Dell Refurbished. I own Office 2000
professional. Can I add my Access 2000 to the Office 2003
after I get the computer.

Don MI

warren said:
I am buying a new computer with Office 2003 Small Business
edition installed from Dell Refurbished. I own Office 2000
professional. Can I add my Access 2000 to the Office 2003
after I get the computer.

Yes, maybe.
When you run Office 2000 setup choose Custom. Then configure the
installation to install only Access.
If your Office 2000 is an upgrade version, you will need the qualifying
product you used to initially install. Office 2003 is not a qualifying
product for Office 2000.
If your Office 2000 is an OEM version, it is likely tied to the original
computer and will not install on your new computer.

IMO. You should compare the price Dell is asking for Office 2003 SBE with
the price of Office 2003 Profession upgrade version.



warren said:
I am buying a new computer with Office 2003 Small Business
edition installed from Dell Refurbished. I own Office 2000
professional. Can I add my Access 2000 to the Office 2003
after I get the computer.

Yes, you can. I run a combo like that myself. The only
caveat I can think of is, if it's not alrerady installed,
install 2003 first. Then, when you install the Offic 2000
Pro components, whenever you have the option to choose the
folder the files go to, use a non-default folder. It seems
to keep "arguements" down somehow. Wjhen I did it, I told
it to use Office2000Pro for the folder because, for whatever
reason, it wanted to put it into the "other" already
existing 2003 Office folders.

Also, expect to see "Please wait while Office 200x
configures..." type messages when you go from 2000 to 2003
and vice-versa. They're normal and all will workfine.
Apparently they can be aware that they coexist and must
share some files somehow; never did get a good explanation
of what as going on. Takes it about 4 seconds to run, &
then the progs start. Couldn't tell you now where to find
it, but MS did have the info on their web site for this kind
of thing.


Beth Melton

Just to add my two cents on OEM purchases, I would *never* purchase an OEM copy of Office. It may sound cheaper but you get what you pay for.

An OEM license is non-transferable which means it is only licensed to the computer it was installed on. If you get a new computer you will have to purchase another copy of Office.

Not to mention OEM support leaves a lot to be desired! "It isn't our problem" is their seems to be their favorite support line.

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup. Email requests for assistance can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton

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