Office crashes on launching.



Macbook with OS X Leopard, 1.83Ghz Intel; Microsoft 2004 Student &

Whenever I launch any Office program, it crashes immediately, this
includes all office programs, even "Remove Office" and "Update". I
tried to download an update directly from the Office site, but that
crashed when I opened the .dmg file. I also removed all of Office and
reinstalled it, but again, it crashes.

Would that mean it's a problem somewhere else? Any thoughts on what
the problem could be, or how I could solve it (ie completely removing



I've tried these:
Repair disk permissions
check for add-in
can't do update
reinstall office (can't with wizard, so drag/drop)
bin preferences
appdelete and re-install

Whatever the Office program opened (including updates and those on
install disc I get error message, the icon bounces, and it crashes
before I even get to the splash page). As far as I can tell, Office is
the only thing affected, and nothing particular was done recently.
Same thing happened this week with two computers on Leopard. Any


Well, reinstall or "appdelete" reinstall is a waste of time:) Office is a
complex compendium of pieces & those procedures don't touch any of what
could be causing the problem. If the Remove Office utility you reported
using in your first post combined with the other suggestions on the Diagnose
page didn't resolve the issue it must be something deeper.

Does the crashing occur if you launch using the application icon rather than
the Dock icon?

Try launching one of the Office apps while holding Shift & dbl-clicking the
actual application icon.

You might also try creating a new User account & installing to it in order
to see if it has the same problem.

Just for more info, run Disk Utility - Verify Disk [not permissions] to see
what it says.

Come back with the results.

Diane Ross

Macbook with OS X Leopard, 1.83Ghz Intel; Microsoft 2004 Student &

Whenever I launch any Office program, it crashes immediately, this
includes all office programs, even "Remove Office" and "Update". I
tried to download an update directly from the Office site, but that
crashed when I opened the .dmg file. I also removed all of Office and
reinstalled it, but again, it crashes.

This sounds like your base system files are the problem.
Would that mean it's a problem somewhere else? Any thoughts on what
the problem could be, or how I could solve it (ie completely removing

How did you install Leopard? If you updated Leopard did you use the Software
updater or did you download the combo 10.5.2 updater.

1. Upgrade Mac OS X (the default upgrade method)
2. Archive and Install
3. Erase and Install

I would apply the Leopard combo updater. If that does not fix your problems,
then you will need to do an "Archive & Install".

Mac OS X 10.5.2 Combo Update


Archive and Install

Make sure to choose the options to maintain your user settings. Once the
install has finished, your system will be at whatever level the disk you
have is. So if your Install DVD/CD disk is 10.3.3, that's what version of OS
will be on your Mac. You will need to download the appropriate Combo Updater
from Apple's site to restore the system to a higher version. After you run
the combo, allow Software Update to download and install any additional


I had the same problem after applying the latest office update. The only office app that would run was Messenger. Then I remembered Filevault. I turned it off and everything worked.

What made me suspect Filevault was Entourage. It would say that the disk was not found, the other apps were crashing after opening the splash screen went away and a blank document displayed.

This was a new install on a new MacBook Pro, 10.5.2, Office 2008

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