office crashes on startup; can open existing docs, though



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I've been working with a hobbled version of Office since migrating my files earlier this year from a G4 Mac to a new Alu. iMac 20".

I cannot start any programs by clicking on their icons or by using the Project Gallery. (The program just quits on me, and I get a question asking if I want to inform Apple.) I get around this by opening an existing file and then creating a new file of the same type. I'd like to solve this long-standing annoyance, though.

My first thought was a re-install, but I see that's not a recommended course on these forums.


When you refer to "migrating" do you mean you migrated your applications
programs as well? If so that could be the cause of the problem. Some say it
shouldn't be, but I've never had success with MS or Adobe apps when using
Apple's Migration Assistant.

You might try repairing permissions to see if that will correct anything -
if the programs do run you might just get lucky. However, there seem to be
more frequent reports of Office X not running well on Leopard systems.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I used the "target disk" approach and sent everything I needed from my old mac to my new mac -- yes, including Office (now disabled on my old computer, because I only have one license; or, rather, one laptop license, for a dead laptop, and one desktop license).

If you mean repairing disk permissions in the ordinary way -- I've done that. (I use Onyx and macjanitor.)

Would re-intalling be advisable at this point?


I'm not sure that re-installing is the next step - from what you've said so
far the programs apparently run OK once you get them started. It seems to be
just launching that presents a problem & it isn't normally the program files
that cause that sort of behavior.

Try the troubleshooting steps here - especially those pertaining to fonts &
testing the Normal template as well as prefs & caches.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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